Belong ~ Believe ~ Achieve
Belong together as a school family.
Believe in yourself, believe in each other.
Achieve your best, achieve your dreams.
Believe in yourself, believe in each other.
Achieve your best, achieve your dreams.
Belong ~ Believe ~ Achieve
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Outdoor Play & Learning
Welcome to North Mundham Primary School’s Website. We are a nurturing, community-focused primary school near Chichester in West Sussex. At North Mundham we are passionate about all children developing a love of learning, independence and resilience that they will apply in all areas of their school life and beyond.
Our school motto: Belong, Believe, Achieve is embedded in all aspects of the school. By exploring this we celebrate the individuality of every child in the school and encourage them to develop their sense of belonging, their own self-belief and ability to achieve their goals and fulfil their passions.
As a staff team, we work hard together to create an exciting learning environment combined with a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges pupils to find their own strengths and areas of expertise. We aim to inspire creativity whilst developing the knowledge and skills of pupils in all subject areas.
Our unique location and spacious grounds give us the daily opportunity to deliver high quality physical activity as well as many ‘Learning outside the Classroom’ opportunities.
We pride ourselves in our community ethos and encourage the children to help and support each other throughout their time here. We welcome help from parents, carers and other members of our close knit community.
Thank-you for your interest in North Mundham Primary School, we hope that you will find the pages of this website helpful.
We also welcome visits to the school – if you are interested in this please contact Mrs Tracey Sheehan, Business Manager: