Year 6 Visit to London
Reminder that Year 6 are going on their class visit to the British Museum on Thursday 2nd November.
Reminder that Year 6 are going on their class visit to the British Museum on Thursday 2nd November.
Now that the children have been in school for 1/2 a term, come along and find out some more about what they have been doing and what is planned for the rest of the year. Meeting and refreshments at 9.00 on Wednesday 1 November. This is a great opportunity to meet up with some of the… Read More »Ladybird Class Settling-In Meeting
This will be on 1st December this year. The 24th November will be a non-uniform day in exchange for bringing something in for the fair- more details to follow.
Bumblebee and Butterfly classes (year 1 and 3) will have Forest School with Mr Orchard on a Wednesday this half term and should come to school dressed for this.
We are launching a new spelling scheme in all of our classes. The children will bring home 15 words as part of their homework. These words will be for 2 weeks. They may seem hard but they will follow a pattern for the children to recognise rather than learn individual words. There won’t be a weekly… Read More »Spellings
Thanks to those of you who attended the PTA AGM. we now have a new committee- Jess Burns and Kelly Halsted (co-chairs), Hannah Thompson and Sarah Goble (co-secretaries) and Hannah Chivrall (treasurer TBC). At the meeting we discussed the many ways that the PTA had supported the pupils and school in the last year and made… Read More »PTA
You have a couple more weeks to collect any unwanted clothing, fill up a bag or two and bring it into school. This another way of fundraising for the school.
Parents and carers of Year 6 children are welcome to come along to our Dragonfly class assembly on Friday morning at 9.30am.
8.45am on Wed 11th October All parents are welcome to come along and find out how we teach phonics at our school. This will be especially relevant for Ladybird Class and any new parents to the school.
We have a new judo club starting on Tuesday 3 October. This will be open to Years 2- 6 and will be with experienced Judo instructor Michael Pring. Mr Pring will be delivering an assembly for all children on next week. Please see details below for more information.