Thanks to those of you who attended the PTA AGM. we now have a new committee- Jess Burns and Kelly Halsted (co-chairs), Hannah Thompson and Sarah Goble (co-secretaries) and Hannah Chivrall (treasurer TBC). At the meeting we discussed the many ways that the PTA had supported the pupils and school in the last year and made some plans for the new year.
Ways the PTA funding has been spent this year:
- subsidising trips
- subsidising whole school events such as Christmas shows, discos, Christmas parties and fitness events
- providing materials and funding for our nurture room (Cocoon Room) and the Year 1 outside area
- providing materials for our newly refurbished OPAL storage shed
- sandpit
We are extremely grateful to everyone who supports our PTA and the events. It makes a big difference to what we can offer all pupils.
There is a meeting to plan the Christmas fair on Tuesday 17th October at 7pm. Please come along – everyone is welcome.