Holiday Activity Fund
If your child is in receipt of pupil premium, please follow this link for information of how you can access free holiday clubs.
If your child is in receipt of pupil premium, please follow this link for information of how you can access free holiday clubs.
We are looking forward to celebrating all of the different cultures, countries and religions that are represented by our school on Friday 23rd February. Thank-you to all of you who have offered to come and host a stall in the hall at the end of the day. It would be great if you could come to… Read More »Celebrate your Culture Day
Forest school will be for Praying Mantis (Year 5) and Caterpillar (Year 2) classes this half term. This will be every Wednesday. Please ensure that children in these classes are suitably dressed for the weather. They MUST have wellies (or similar) and will need waterproof clothing if it is (or has been) very wet.
Year 6 PC will be on Tuesday and Wednesday this half term- children should come to school in PE kit on those days.
Year 2 will be going to a cricket event on 6th March. More details to follow.
Thanks to all those in Years 5 and 6 who have entered the corporate challenge. Our team is all signed up. More details will be sent out prior to the first event on 28th February.
We are organising a Careers’ Fair to introduce the children to some varied careers and to widen their aspirations. Please complete this form if you think you can help. We would love to have representatives from a wide range of professions, careers and jobs.
Please remember that we cannot dispense medication that is not specifically prescribed for the individual- it must be in teh original box with the child’s name and dosage clearly labelled. We will only dispense antibiotics that are for 4 or more times a day. This is in line with government guidance. If we have your permission,… Read More »Medicines
This year we would like to celebrate the diversity in our school community with a festival in the afternoon. During the day children can come dressed in something that reflects their family’s culture and are encouraged to bring in something to share as well- this could be a story, an artefact, a dance, some music, a… Read More »Celebrate your Culture Day- Friday 23 February
We have lots of plans for the upcoming Science week in March. We would really like to invite in visitors from the local community who have links to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) worlds. If you or anyone you know could help with this, please contact the school office or Mr Tran directly.