Scarab Beetle Class

Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 class page.

Miss Alix Hull, Class Teacher
Our classroom enjoys using a range of multiple intelligences to help us to learn in our own unique ways. We use music, drama, physical actions, language and interpersonal skills to show our understanding.
In Year 4 our learning journey consists of a cross curricular approach with exciting topics. We encourage independent thinking and learning in all subjects. Additionally, we also have a strong focus on the basics and fundamentals such as our KIRF’s (Key Instant Recall Facts), number skills, the four operations and the Times Tables. The Topics across the curriculum are comprised of a range of immersive learning experiences that challenge learners’ thinking and encourages them to further question, investigate and analyse concepts.
Throughout the year we read exciting classroom novels to discuss and explore the languages and themes to gain a greater understanding of what we have read.