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Year 6 London Visit

As part of their Learning Journey this half term, Class 6 are learning about Africa. On Thursday 14 October Mr Murray and Mrs Gill will be taking them to London so that they can visit the British Museum and see genuine artefacts and find out more about the country and related subjects. This is such an… Read More »Year 6 London Visit


Our PTA have organised this event previously and it has been very successful and we have raised a significant amount for the school. On Wednesday 13 October the van will be coming again so take the opportunity of inclement weather to have a wardrobe sort out. The children will be bringing home bags next week for… Read More »Bags2School

Summer Holiday Camp

Contact the Arena Sports Centre: 01243 870000 or email:

Contacting the School

If you need to contact the school please try to do this by phone or email rather than coming to the school office. Please note that the main office email should be used for this purpose. Class emails will only be used for communication about remote learning (for pupils who have been told to self-isolate) and… Read More »Contacting the School