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Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas lunch this year will be on Thursday 16th December. The children may bring a special Christmas packed lunch or order a hot school meal direct from Chartwells, on line at (Please note – only parents who pay for meals need to book these on-line). The cost of the meal is £2.35 and orders… Read More »Christmas Lunch

Christmas Performances

Provided we do not have an increase in Covid cases the plans for productions are as follows: A google form will be sent out this week. Year 1 parents and carers are invited to see the Christmas production on Tuesday 7th December 2pm – 2 tickets per family are available. Year 2 parents and carers are… Read More »Christmas Performances

Winter Wonderland Event

Thank you so much for all the amazing donations brought in today for class hampers. Raffle tickets have gone home, each child has received 2 x books of tickets to purchase and to share with friends and family.  Families with siblings at school will have more tickets but should not feel obliged to buy them all.… Read More »Winter Wonderland Event

Library Competition

This month’s library competition is based on this weeks’ anti-bullying theme of ‘One Kind Word’. Children are invited to write a poem on the theme of kindness or friendship. Entry forms are available in the library and in class. The closing date is Friday 26th November. If you visit the school, please have a look at… Read More »Library Competition

Class Assemblies

We are hoping to hold the following class assemblies. Year 5 – Thursday 2 December Year 6 – Friday 3 December Year 4 – Thursday 9 December These will be at 9.05am and we hope that we will be able to have a live audience but that will depend on Covid numbers and restrictions.

Christmas Jumper Swap Shop

At our Advent Window Wonderland event on 3 December (see below) there will be a Christmas Jumper Swap Shop. The aim is to try to encourage the reuse of ‘preloved’ Christmas jumpers. Please bring in and donate your Christmas jumpers that are now outgrown or you no longer wish to wear, into school between Monday 25… Read More »Christmas Jumper Swap Shop

Christmas Performances

The children in Classes R, 1 and 2 have started practising for their performances in the week of the 6th December. We hope that we will be able to have a small audience at these events. However, this will be dependent on the number of Covid cases, risk assessment, guidance and restrictions at this time. As… Read More »Christmas Performances

Individual School Photographs

These will be on Friday 19th November. Children should come dressed in their full school uniform and bring PE kit if it is a PE day for them.

Squid Games

We have been made aware that a number of children have been mimicking this television programme. Whilst the programme is based on children’s games the content is highly inappropriate for children and is rated 15+. There is further information from national online safety to be found by following this link: wakeupwednesday/squid-game-trending-across-platforms-what-parents-need-to-know .

Book Sharing

This will occur in the week beginning the 22nd November, this event will be held in the hall to allow for social distancing. This will be a opportunity for your child to share the work that they have done so far this term with you. Monday 22nd November -2.45- Year 5 Wednesday 24th November- 9.00- Year… Read More »Book Sharing