Love Yourself Day
The PTA are organising this event for Valentine’s Day. For a donation of £1, the children can come to school dressed in clothing that makes them feel good. They can also bring a small cake to eat at the end of the day.
The PTA are organising this event for Valentine’s Day. For a donation of £1, the children can come to school dressed in clothing that makes them feel good. They can also bring a small cake to eat at the end of the day.
The latest wave of Covid cases has had a significant impact on the attendance of many pupils. Obviously this has been unavoidable in many cases but means that children and staff must work hard to address gaps in knowledge and understanding. We have lots in place to address this but it is imperative that children do… Read More »Attendance
Promise Day is now on Thursday 27th January. Children can ‘cash’ in their promises from the Christmas event on that day. Additional promises can be bought from the office from Monday. These are dress in your own clothes, come to school with crazy hair or paint your nails. Additional promises cost £1.
We are aware that with the additional handwashing and cold temperatures, some children are getting very sore hands. In the past we have said (following our medicines policy) that handcream can only be provided if it is prescribed by a doctor. However, we are aware that many GP surgeries are very overrun and short staffed at… Read More »Handcream
On 4th February we will be holding an Eco Day. The school council have thought of some great ideas for this day based on the theme of raising awareness of eco issues and thinking about how we can protect our planet. In addition, on this day the children can come to school dressed in something green… Read More »Eco Day
If your child is away from school due to Covid but is well enough to work, there is work on our remote school. This will be reviewed weekly. There is a timetable with ideas and links to websites as well home learning ideas for each topic. If teachers are in working in school they will not… Read More »Covid
We have postponed the start of clubs this term until the current Covid wave passes. However, we will start Dancehouse club this week for selected children on Tuesday as we need to start practising our dance.
Please see the separate letter about Bag2school. The PTA have arranged for class reps to collect bags from anyone who is isolating so if you have had some additional time to have a new year sort out then please contact your class rep.
Please use the North Mundham Playing Fields car park and avoid parking in the local residential roads. This is much safer and less disruptive to our immediate neighbours.