Clubs, apart from football, have all finished now for this term. There will be more next term, so look our for emails after the holidays.
Clubs, apart from football, have all finished now for this term. There will be more next term, so look our for emails after the holidays.
This will recommence after the holidays – see separate letter for details
On Thursday 7th April we will be going to St Stephens for our Easter and Spring service. There is some capacity for parents to attend. However, this is limited so please contact the office if you would like to attend. The service is at approx 9.30- 10.30. If you are attending and would be happy to… Read More »Church Service
Pre-loved uniform is available to buy from outside the front of the school this week. If your child is growing fast and you are in need of some good quality replacements, please come and have a look.
We have welcomed Mrs Yan Ly to our team this week. She is a new teaching assistant who will mainly be working in Year 6 and Year 4. We also have teaching students in Year 4 and Year R for the remainder of this term and most of the summer term.
We have spaces for two parent governors. If you are interested in this role which is vital to the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Gordon for more details.
On Thursday 31st March, Year R have their first Class assembly at 9am.
This is on Thursday 31st March. See separate letter for details.
Many thanks to our PTA for organising this event and to all who donated gifts and goodies. There was a great turn out and we raised £300.
Don’t forget to return your smarties tubes if you have been collecting money in them so that we can count up and see which class won.