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Residents of the roads opposite the school have, once again, contacted the school regarding parking in those roads. Please remember that this is NOT allowed as these are private roads. In addition, we ask that you DO NOT Park in the staff car park (next to the bin store). This small area is reserved for staff… Read More »Parking

Year 1 Royal Tea Party

This is on Thursday 23rd January- please see earlier letter for details.

YR NHS Health Screening checks

All children in Ladybird class will be screened as part of the national NHS screening checks over the next two weeks. If you have any queries, please speak to the office

Silent ‘Valentine’ Disco

After the success of these events last year, the PTA are arranging for the children to have a silent disco on Thursday 13th February. Look out for correspondence from the PTA with more details.

Quiz Night

The PTA are also organising a Quiz night on Friday 7th March. This will be for adults and will be held locally. Save the date and get revising!!

YR Phonics Meeting – 21st January at 9am

Mrs Ford will be holding a phonics workshop for all Ladybird parents. We really encourage you to come and take part in this interactive event with your child to find out how they learn phonics and how you can help them.

Jewellery and nail varnish/false nails

Please remember that pupils should NOT be wearing any jewellery (other than stud earrings and a watch- not Smart watch) to school and we do NOT allow nail varnish or false nails. Earrings need to be removed for any PE lesson (or covered with micropore tape)- this is for health and safety.

Winter Weather/Forest School Requirements

Please ensure children have wellies or a change of shoes in school – this ensures they can access all OPAL play opportunities. If children have Forest School, they should also bring a change of clothes in on that day.

Last week of Term

Tuesday 17th December- Yr R, 1 and 2- party- children can wear party clothes to school on that day. Y3 and 4- disco 3.10-4.10- children can bring party clothes to change into. Please inform your child’s teacher if your child is not attending. Y5 and 6 disco 4.20-5.20- children come to school in uniform/PE kit and… Read More »Last week of Term

PE days next term

YR- Wed and Fri Y1- Mon Y2- Mon and Tues Y3- Tues Y4- Mon and Thurs Y5- Tues and Mon (swimming- letter to follow) Y6- Mon and Tuesday