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Open Morning

We will be holding an Open Morning on Wednesday 25 May for existing parents to have the opportunity to come into school and see some of the fantastic learning that goes on in school. This will be followed by a short presentation on school development and an opportunity to find out about our future plans. If… Read More »Open Morning

PTA Events

We are planning several events this term including a Summer Fair on Friday 17 June. Please look out for further information about how you can help and take part.

Bag 2 School

FREE FUNDRAISING FOR SCHOOLS   In partnership with your school or organisation North Mundham Primary School Bag 2 School is a company that specialises in the reuse and recycling of good quality secondhand clothing and we have arranged to make a collection from your school. All the bags will be weighed and you will be… Read More »Bag 2 School

Grounds’ Evenings

Following our successful Grounds’ evenings last summer and in the autumn term, Mr Murray and Mr Burroughs are planning 2 more on the 11th and 12th May. You will receive a separate letter about this. we are very grateful to all adults who have helped.


We are delighted that 78 children in the school have 98% or above attendance (not including any isolation for Covid). That is a real achievement. As a whole school our attendance is currently just below the national expectation of 96%. We hope with a summer term that sees less Covid and fewer bugs that this will… Read More »Attendance

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform and footwear. On days when they do not have PE or Forest School they should not be wearing trainers. A school jumper must be worn everyday even with PE kit please. With warmer weather there will be no need for additional hoodies or jumpers. If you… Read More »School Uniform

Forest School

Forest School will be for Year R and 4 this term and will continue to be on a Wednesday. Please ensure that they always have long trousers for Forest school as it can be dangerous to have exposed skin.

Summer Term PE Schedule

YR- Thursday Y1- Wednesday and Friday Y2- Monday and Thursday Y3- Tuesday and swimming on Monday from 9th May Y4- Monday Y5- Wednesday and Friday Y6- Monday and Tuesday

Latest Covid Regulations

The new government guidelines for children who test positive are that they should isolate for 3 days. Adults should still continue to isolate for 5 days. We will follow these guidelines from the beginning of next term.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

We will be celebrating this momentous occasion this half term. There is also an event that is happening in the North Mundham village hall that everyone is invited to join.