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Sports Day Timings

Tuesday 21 June Years R, 1 and 2 — 10am-12noon Wednesday 22 June Years 3 and 4 — 9.30am-10.45am Wednesday 22 June Years 5 and 6 — 1.30pm-3pm

Forest School

Forest School sessions will be for Year 1 after half term. Year 5 will have sessions on 8th and 15th June. Year 3 will have sessions on 29th June, 13th July and 20th July. Please ensure that children are appropriately dressed for this and note they they should be wearing long trousers not shorts

Quest Challenge

Quest is a family adventure set in Chichester, taking them back in time to 1643 where they must find the characters from the story and help them to save Chichester from a terrible fate! There are puzzles to solve and challenges to undertake and a map to guides them through the story. A team ticket (up to… Read More »Quest Challenge

How well do you know the Romans?

Come along and test your Roman knowledge with our fun- facts treasure huntquiz and help us complete our giant mosaic! Everyone welcome! Parents and carers are asked to remain on the premises during this activity. Everyone iswelcome at our regular activities and special events. Visit for ourinclusion statement. Saturday 28th May 10-11.30am Chichester LibraryTower StreetChichesterPO19… Read More »How well do you know the Romans?

Jubilee Picnic & Bake-Off Competition

To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we are holding a whole school street party and picnic on Thursday 26th May. The School Council have organised a Bake Off whereby children are invited to enter a baked creation inspired by the platinum jubilee. Entries should be brought to school on Thursday 26th May with all ingredients labelled… Read More »Jubilee Picnic & Bake-Off Competition

Whole School Photo

On Tuesday 7th June we will be having a whole school photo (first one for a few years). All children must be in full uniform on this day. If it is a PE day then they should bring PE kit on this one occasion. If your child has recently lost a jumper or other item of… Read More »Whole School Photo


Please ensure that your child is equipped appropriately for the weather. If it is hot then they should have a hat in school and sun cream applied before school. If it is due to be wet, please ensure that they have a coat.

Summer Fair

Our PTA are busy organising the Summer fair which will be after school on Friday 17th June. There is lots planned and it promises to be a great event with the theme of Fiesta. On The 10th June teh children can come to school in non-uniform in return for bringing in items for the fair as… Read More »Summer Fair

The Community Hub

For many people the cost of living is becoming unmanageable. West Sussex have developed The Community Hub who may be able to help families if you are finding things tricky at the moment. See below for details. In addition, please come and talk to us if you think we may be able to help in any… Read More »The Community Hub

Shared Use Path

For those who live in Runcton or the surrounding area, you may be interested in a campaign to build a shared use path between Runcton and the Runcton Farmshop. Whilst it’s not directly going to impact the school, it will have a positive effect on teh local community and hopefully reduce some of the traffic in… Read More »Shared Use Path