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PE Kits

I have had a request from a parent that children bring their kits to school instead of wearing PE kit on the day they have PE kit. We made the decision to continue asking children to come in their PE kits for a number of reasons: speed of getting changed, items getting lost, children forgetting PE… Read More »PE Kits

Meet the Teacher Meetings

These have been rescheduled for the week beginning the 26th September to allow parents time to make arrangements to come. They are as follows: YR- Tues 27th at 2.45pm Y1 Wed 28th at 2.45pm y2 Wed 28th at 3.00pm Y3 Tues 27th at 3.00 Y4 Mon 26th at 2.45pm Y5 Mon 26th at 3.00pm Y6 Thurs… Read More »Meet the Teacher Meetings

Car Parking

Please use the North Mundham playing fields car park at the beginning and end of the day rather than parking in the local roads as this causes congestion and difficulties for local residents

Birthday Sweets

Please note that children should NOT be bringing in sweets to give out on their birthday. We have several children who have food allergies or dietary needs that mean they cannot eat sweets and we are also trying to promote a healthy lifestyle. We recognise children’s birthdays in different ways at school both in class and… Read More »Birthday Sweets


Our PTA have organised another collection from the Bags2School organisation. The collection is on the 29th September so please bring any bags (own bags please) in by Wed 28th September. You will have received a leaflet with guidance about what you are able to bring in.

Outside Learning Week

We will be celebrating the end of the summer with our outdoor learning week in the last week of September. This will include local walks, additional Forest School sessions, learning beyond the classroom among other activities. Full details will be emailed out this week.


This will be on the 29th September at 7pm – all parents are welcome to come along and find out about our PTA and how you can support the school.

Communication App

We are now using a new system to communicate with parents. If you haven’t already downloaded the app then please do so as soon as possible (links found below) so that you don’t miss any communication from us. If you are unsure how to do this, then please contact the school office. If you have the… Read More »Communication App

Pleasure of Reading

This week you will receive more information about our whole school push for the pleasure of reading. Each class will have a special reading journal which each child will get the chance to bring home and write in to share a favourite book. This will continue through the year so everyone will get a chance.


Our whole school attendance was just under 95% which is less than the national expected figure of 96%. Absence from school is inevitable for many reasons and of course we acknowledge this. However, it always has an impact on a child’s education and we ask that you avoid any unnecessary absences for your child. You can… Read More »Attendance