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PE & Forest School

After half term Year 1 and 3 will have forest school. Please ensure that they are wearing suitable clothing including footwear (wellies or walking boots) and have a warm and waterproof coat. Year 1 PE days will be Thursday and Friday after half term Year 2 PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday after half term.… Read More »PE & Forest School

Year 6 Trip to London

On Thursday 20 October all Year 6 pupils should be at Chichester train station at 8am.

Hot Chocolate Sale

There will be a hot chocolate sale on Friday 21 October after school in the playground.

Key Stage 2 Snacks

Please remember that children in Key Stage 2 may have a fruit or vegetable snack at breaktime. This must only be actual fruit, vegetables or dried fruit not a fruit based bar or similar – these should be kept for lunchtime. Children in Key Stage 1 are provided with a piece of free fruit but may… Read More »Key Stage 2 Snacks

Home-School Agreement

If you haven’t already, please read and sign the Home-school agreement. This is a vital part of our partnership. This is the link to the sign form.

Year 6 Assembly

This will be on Friday 14 October at 9am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Open Day

If you have friends or family with children starting school in September 2023, please encourage them to come along to our Open afternoon on Wednesday 12 October from 1.30-2.30pm. There will be a short presentation followed by tours of the school.

Red Card to Racism

On Friday 21st we are supporting the Wear Red Day in support of the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ which is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity. Children can wear red on that day for a small donation for this important charity.

PE Kits

Adventure Playground

Please note that children should NOT be on the adventure playground before and after school as it is unsupervised by a school adult at this time. This is for the safety of the children and we ask you to help us to enforce this with the children.