Half Term Camps
Please see two posters below about local half term camps.
Please see two posters below about local half term camps.
This has now been changed so that it doesn’t clash with our other events.
Please DO NOT allow your child to play on the adventure trail before or after school. This is for safety reasons as school staff are unable to supervise the area at this time. We realise that it is very tempting but we have to do regular checks (especially in such wet weather) to see that it… Read More »Adventure Trail
In an effort to reduce food wastage and costs, our hot lunch supplier Chartwells has joined with ParentPay to change the way that the meals are ordered. You will soon be able to order the exact meal your child requires. Please see the attached letter.
If you have changed address or your phone number recently, please ensure that the office is made aware or use MCAS to update your details. For instructions, please follow this link.
If your child took part in a sports’ event in school kit last term, please make sure that it has been returned. We are missing quite a lot of items (especially socks!).
Please ensure that your child has wellies or similar footwear and waterproofs for Forest school this term- it is very wet in the Fuzzies.
If you are having a sort out of your child’s old clothes, we would be very grateful for any jogging trousers (or similar), socks, old jumpers and coats that we can use if children get very wet outside. All sizes and genders gratefully received.
Please remember that children should NOT have sweets, chocolate sweets or fizzy drinks in their packed lunch.
Please ensure that your child wears the correct uniform and that includes shoes and PE kit. On PE days, children should wear their normal school jumper or cardigan. Please note that all children must bring a coat to school each day, especially in such cold temperatures. Please also ensure that ALL of your children’s clothing items… Read More »School Uniform