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Half Term Activities

As well as the posters previously shown regarding half term activity camps, I have hadinformation sent through about ‘An Epic Art Adventure’ that is taking place in Chichesterover the half term week and a Laser Show that is taking place at the Chichester Canalbasin.

NEU Industrial Strike Action

On Wednesday 1st February the school will only be open for the children of critical workers and some other identified pupils. If you would like to apply for a critical worker place please complete this form. Children who attend on that day will need a packed lunch unless they are in receipt of Free School Meals.

School Uniform

Most children now attend daily in the correct school uniform. However, we do have some who are still not wearing the correct clothes- especially on PE days. Please note that our PE uniform includes their school jumper not a tracksuit top or hoodie. Please also ensure that uniform is labelled.

Term Time Holidays

Please note that any holiday taken in term time is very unlikely to be authorised. It is likely that it will be referred for a Fixed Penalty Notice which is a cost of £60 per child per parent. Term time holiday is very disruptive to a child’s education especially for those children who already have low… Read More »Term Time Holidays

Corporate Challenge Run Events

We are entering a North Mundham running team in the Chichester City Corporate Challenge. Any children in years 5 and 6 are eligible to enter. A letter has been sent out and entries must be in by Friday 3 February.

Stranger Danger on the Lagness Road

There was an incident last week with two of our pupils where a man driving a lorry approached them on the main Lagness Road to Chichester. He offered them some balloons and when they didn’t take them, he threw them out and drove off. The children took sensible action and are thankfully safe. However, it reminds… Read More »Stranger Danger on the Lagness Road

NEU Industrial Strike Action

Most of you will have seen or heard in the news that along with many other sectors of society it is now the turn of teachers to voice their grievance against the government. Last week the National Education Union (NEU) issued their formal notice to all schools, of their intention for industrial action, including strike action.… Read More »NEU Industrial Strike Action

Chartwells/Parent Pay Update

Thank you for your patience whilst we support Chartwells with the roll-out of their newordering system through Parent Pay. At present, you are only required to activate your Parent Pay account and no orders should be placed yet because Chartwells have some finaladjustments to make from their end (including account opening balances, special diets,INSET days etc).… Read More »Chartwells/Parent Pay Update

Year 6 Leavers’ Party

Parents of children in Year 6 should have received a letter with information about this event. Please see the school office if you did not receive it.

PTA Events

There will be a Valentine’s disco on 10th February for children in Key Stage 2 organised by the PTA. Arrangements will be similar to the Christmas disco and more details will follow soon. The PTA have also arranged a Quiz Night on Friday 24th February. A letter about this will be coming out soon. If you… Read More »PTA Events