Please note that our final INSET day of the year is on Friday before half term.
Please note that our final INSET day of the year is on Friday before half term.
As a school we are working hard to combat discrimination of any kind and this includes racial, gender, cultural and neurodiversity. We have had some incidents of this in our school recently. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and totally against our inclusive ethos. We ask that you, as parents and a key part of our… Read More »Discrimination
On 18th May we have Team Rubicon coming into school. There will be workshops for children in all classes (except Year 6 who are in Cobnor). This will either take the form of a scooter workshop (Year R to Year2) or a skateboard workshop (Y3- Y5). We are asking for a donation of £1 towards this… Read More »Rubicon Skate & Scooter Day
We will be holding our annual book fair from 22-24 May. Celebrate reading at our Book Fair! The Book Fair will be arriving in school soon, with hundreds of new children’s books to browse and buy. There are over 200 titles for you and your child to choose from, and with prices starting from only £2.99,… Read More »Book Fair
Please can I remind you again that you MUST NOT park in School Lane or in any of the residential roads around the school. This blocks the roads and causes unnecessary traffic congestion around the school. Please use the Playing Fields Car Park.
We will be changing to green PE shorts for all children from September so if you are purchasing new shorts, please buy the green ones rather than red. Red can still be worn until they need to be replaced.
On Friday, as a celebration for Year 6 at the end of their SATs week, they will have an ice cream treat. The ice cream van will remain on the school playground at the end of the school day if anyone would like to treat their child.
If you have any old shirts that could be used for dressing up or as painting overalls, please hand them in to the school office. In addition, if anyone has a metal clothing rail that they no longer require, please let the office know.
If you are thinking of purchasing summer checked dresses for your child, please buy green rather than red. We are phasing out the red in our uniform this year. If you already have red dresses for this year, then this is not a problem and will still be allowed.
We are planning another Grounds’ evening in June (date to be confirmed) and hope that you will be able to join us to help. Watch this space for more information.