Leavers’ Assembly
Our Year 6 pupils will be celebrating their time at North Mundham this Thursday from 9-10. All parents and carers of Year 6 pupils are welcome to attend- entrance will be via the Fire exit doors off the playground.
Our Year 6 pupils will be celebrating their time at North Mundham this Thursday from 9-10. All parents and carers of Year 6 pupils are welcome to attend- entrance will be via the Fire exit doors off the playground.
All children must be in full uniform in September. Get in early with orders from Game Set and Match to make sure that you have items. Please donate any uniform in good condition that your child no longer needs. If you have any issues getting hold of uniform or buying it, please let us know and… Read More »Uniform for September
Please return any books belonging to the school by Wednesday 19 July. We are missing quite few of our new Phonics reading scheme and would be very grateful if you could have a look for these especially. Any book with a school stamp should be returned.
Please note that any medicines MUST be handed in to the school office and not given to your child. This is a very important safeguarding issue.
PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE DISABLED BAYS (unless you have a badge) OR IN THE TURNING CIRCLE. This is a very important safety issue.
On Friday we will be holding a Mundham’s Got Talent. Children will have heats in their classes during the week and vote on 2 acts to go through to the finals in front of the whole school. School Council will decide on the winners. If your child would like to take part, they can do so… Read More »Mundham’s Got Talent
As part of our mission to save on paper and photocopying costs, we would like to share the children’s reports electronically with you this year. If however, you would like a paper copy, please contact the school office to request one. If we do not hear from you, your child’s report will be available on MCAS… Read More »Reports
Please remember that next week is the last week of school clubs.
In September we are starting a new programme for our playtime and lunchtimes. OPAL is all about supporting schools to improve by offering increased opportunities for children to play. We have formed a working group and got started on the planning for this. There will be more information coming out over the next few months (including… Read More »OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school. This MUST contain water not juice. Children may have juice for lunchtime but water to drink during the rest of the day. In hot weather, it is imperative that children stay hydrated and drinking water is the best and healthiest way to ensure that they… Read More »Water Bottles