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Pyjamrama Day 23rd June

This will be on 23rd June. Children can wear their Pyjamas to school for a donation of £1 to Booktrust (a fantastic charity that champion reading for all and donate many free books throughout the country to children). We will be celebrating reading on that day so children can also bring in a favourite book.

Emma Milne Music Assembly

On Wed 28th June all Emma Milne’s music students will have the opportunity to perform in an assembly at 2.30pm. Parents and carers of these children are invited to join us for this.

Open Morning

On Wed 28th June from 9.15-10.30 we would like to invite parents to come and visit the school. This is an opportunity to see the children learning, join in a lesson and see what your child might be learning next year. All parents and carers are welcome to come.

Summer Fayre

Our Fair is only 2 weeks away – please see the poster below for more details. We really need lots of help for the day- so please let us know what you can do to help. Our PTA are busy planning the Circus themed summer fair and hope that you will be able to join us… Read More »Summer Fayre

Sun Protection

As the days get hotter it is very important that the children are protected from the heat. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school with them everyday. This can be refilled on a regular basis. Children also need a sunhat and to be wearing suncream. they can bring cream in to reapply… Read More »Sun Protection

Forest School

Year 1 will have Forest School this half term every Wednesday. Year 5 will have Forest School on 7, 14 and 21st June Year 3 will have Forest school 28th June and 5th, 12th, 19th July

Year 6 Bike Ride to Selsey

This will be taking place on Tuesday 11th July. There will be a letter with more information after half term.