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Please come along to our PTA AGM next Thursday at 7pm to find out about what our PTA do and how you can help. We have been very lucky to have a wonderful PTA over the last few years who have organised some fantastic events and made lots of money for the school. We are now… Read More »PTA AGM

Parent Consent & Details

Please use the MCAS App to update your parental consent preferences and personal information so that we can ensure that we are complying with statutory requirements.

Open Afternoons

We have our first open afternoon for parents of pupils starting school in September 2024 on Thursday 28th September. If you know anyone who might be interested, please let them know. They can contact the school office for more details and to book on.

Sporting Opportunities

We are part of the Chichester Schools Sports Partnership and this year there is an emphasis on ensuring that children of all abilities have access to additional opportunities. This will include elite athletes, reluctant participants, aspiring sports’ leaders, pupils with additional needs as well as offering some children the chance to take part in alternative sports… Read More »Sporting Opportunities

Preloved Uniform

We have a large collection of donated uniform that will be available for parents to take for their child. A small donation to the PTA would be gratefully received.

OPAL Grounds Evening

Reminder that this is on Thursday 21st September from 5.30-7.30pm. During the session we’ll be planting flowers and bulbs, sowing wildflower seeds, weeding, hedge cutting and tree pruning. Sign up by emailing the office or Andy Burroughs (

Meet the Teacher Meetings

Please enter through the main entrance. Sessions will be in classrooms. Year 6 Meet the Teacher will include a short presentation about Cobnor. 19th September 2.50pm – Caterpillar Class Y2, 3.05pm – Preying Mantis Y5 20th September  2.50pm – Bumblebee Class Y1, 3.05pm – Scarab Beetle Class Y4 21st September 2.50pm – Dragonfly Class Y6, 3.05pm… Read More »Meet the Teacher Meetings

Harvest Assembly

We have our Harvest assembly on Wed 20th September. This year we will be collecting items for the Chichester Foodbank. They need non-perishables and they are currently preparing Kids’ lunch packs for Christmas and require the following: UHT Milk Packet soup Tinned Vegetables Tinned Ham Tinned Fruit Custard or Rice Pudding Toothbrush & Toothpaste Biscuits Treats… Read More »Harvest Assembly


Please do NOT bring dogs onto the school grounds unless they can be carried. This is for the safety and protection of the children and adults in the school.

School Uniform

It is great to see the children back to school in their new uniform. We have a selection of preloved uniform that will be available next week for a donation to the PTA so do please come and have a look so that you have a plentiful supply for your child.