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Christmas Performances YR, Y1 & Y2

To request places for the Year 1 and 2 performance of ‘I’m Gonna Shine’ (5 and 6 December at 2pm) please follow this link. You may request 2 seats per child for each performance. Babies and pre-schoolers cannot be accommodated at these performances but you are welcome to bring them to the dress rehearsal on Monday… Read More »Christmas Performances YR, Y1 & Y2

Parental Consent

Many thanks to those parents who have completed the consent forms on MCAS. Please make sure that you do this if you haven’t already. If you need help, please contact Mrs Holden in the office.

Flu Vaccinations

Please ensure that you have completed the form for the flu vaccinations which take place in school on 27th November.

Choir Cake Sale

The choir are raising money for their trip to the Young Voices in London in January. They will be holding a cake sale at 3.20 on Thursday 16th November in Year 1 Classroom. There will also be competition entries to design a letter for their banner.

Christmas Lunch

This will be on 13th December this year.


St Wilfrid’s Hospice offer a ‘treecycling’ service for your Christmas tree in January.

Coats & Wellies

Please ensure that your child has a coat in school every day. Ideally this is waterproof with a hood so that they can be outside in the rain. In addition, all children need wellies or similar outside boots to wear when it is wet.

Flu Vaccination Programme

The Immunisation Service are coming into school on Monday 27/11/2023 to offer your child the Flu vaccination.  On 1 November parents were sent an email containing vaccination information and instructions on how to complete the online consent form. Please complete a form to either consent or refuse to your child receiving this vaccination. The online consent… Read More »Flu Vaccination Programme


Please refrain from parking in the residential streets off school Lane. These are private streets and parking on the corners is a danger for residents and pedestrians.

Year 1 Campfire Evening

Bumblebee Class are invited to come back to school on Wed 1st Nov at 4.30pm to take part in a campfire and sparkler evening. Children will be collected at 5.30pm from front of the school.