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Christmas Leftovers

If you have any wrapping paper left over from Christmas, the PTA would be very grateful for it as they can use it next year.


Why not have a good clear out of any unwanted clothing, shoes and accessories this new year. We have another Bags2School collection on Thursday 25th January. Items can be brought in to school any time during the week of the 22nd January. They should be in secured plastic bags.


We would like to set up a small world area in The Snuggle. If you have any unwanted dinosaurs, animals, Duplo, Playmobil, farm, zoo etc, we would be very grateful for donations. In addition, we are still collecting loose parts such as scooters, suitcases, kitchen ware, sand pit toys, toy cars, cable reels etc.

Whole School Team Building Day

On Friday 19th January we are having a whole school team building days with lots of activities that are focused on working together as a team. Each class will have two Fitness Fun sessions with a team focus. Please could all children come to school in school PE kit on that day.

Spring Term Clubs

Teacher run clubs will start on 15th January. Look out for a letter about this in the first week. You will be informed about club allocation on Friday 12th Jan. However, choir will start on 4th Jan and Dancehouse will start on 8th Jan. Externally run clubs start dates may vary from this and the providers… Read More »Spring Term Clubs

Spring Term PE

Year R- Monday and Friday Year 1- Tuesday and Thursday Year 2- Tuesday and Wednesday Year 3- Monday and Thursday Year 4- Monday and Thursday Year 5- Monday swimming (starts 8th January) and Friday year 6- Wednesday


Congratulations to the 53 children who have achieved 100% attendance during the Autumn term. This is a fantastic achievement. Each day missed has can have an impact on your child’s education. Many thanks for your co-operation in these matters.

Thank you

A huge thank-you to everyone who helped to make our Christmas Fair such a success. It was lovely to see so many families there enjoying the festive atmosphere. A special thank-you to our PTA and all their helpers who did a fantastic job!

Christmas Party & Discos 12th December

We are having a Christmas celebration in school for the children on the afternoon of 12th December. Children in Ladybird, Bumblebee and Caterpillar (R, 1 and 2) classes will have a magician show in the afternoon and Butterfly and Scarab Beetle (3 and 4) Classes will have a disco from 3.20-4.15. All of these classes can… Read More »Christmas Party & Discos 12th December

Christmas Lunch 13th December

Hopefully you have ordered your child’s Christmas lunch by now. If your child is having a packed lunch on that day, then maybe you would like to pack them a Christmas treat or two. (no nuts or fizzy drinks). Children can wear a Christmas jumper (or similar) and their own clothes on this day. Please note… Read More »Christmas Lunch 13th December