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Thank-you so much to those parents who take the attendance of their children in school so seriously and who make sure that they are in school as much as they can be. Of course we know that there are lots of bugs about at the moment, which is why maintaining good hand washing hygiene is of… Read More »Attendance


Many thanks for your donations. We had a lot this time and are very pleased with the £312 that we have raised. This will be added to our PTA funds and used to benefit the school in the future.

Cross Country

Well done to our fantastic team of runners who took part in the Cross Country event at Bishop Luffa on Wednesday. They all did really well- showing lots of resilience and team spirit.

Storytelling Week

Next week is national storytelling week and on Thursday a storyteller will be coming to visit Ladybird, Bumblebee and caterpillar classes. Other classes will have activities to recognise this week.

Science Week – 11-15 March

We have lots of plans for the upcoming Science week in March. We would really like to invite in visitors from the local community who have links to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) worlds. If you or anyone you know could help with this, please contact the school office or Mr Tran directly.


The new term is a good opportunity to set a new goal to make sure that your child is in school as much as possible this term. Poor attendance affects all aspects of pupil’s education and can have a significant impact on their future life outside of school as well. We want all of our pupils… Read More »Attendance


The Foodbank service are now offering advice for people about a range of matters as well as regular food parcels and school holiday lunch packs. Please let us know if you would like to know more about this.


Please ensure that you park responsibly in the playing fields car park. It is all of our responsibility to make sure everyone is safe around the school and this includes all drivers.


Please make sure that only studs are worn in school and that children can remove them from their ears themselves.