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You will have received a letter about this term’s clubs on Friday. We are allocating the clubs slightly differently this term and asking the children to choose a club and say why they would like to attend that club. There is more information on the letter.

Teacher Meetings

There will be teacher meetings at the end of the school day in the week of the 29th May. Times will be confirmed at the beginning of next week. Teachers will be giving you information about what is happening in your child’s class this term and how you can help your child. As part of this… Read More »Teacher Meetings

Corporate Challenge

Congratulations to all our runners who completed the third of the three running events around Chichester. It was fabulous to see them all improving their times and supporting each other over the 3 races. They should all be very proud of themselves. A special well done to Leah and Abbie who ran in the regional cross-country… Read More »Corporate Challenge


Please ensure that your child returns to school in the correct school uniform after the holidays. All children should be wearing:White polo shirt or shirtDark green school logo or plain jumper or cardigan.Dark grey trousers, dress or skirtGreen gingham checked dressBlack school shoesPE uniformWhite T shirt (with or plain without school logo)Green shorts, black shorts or… Read More »Uniform

Forest School/ PE Days- Summer Term

YR- Monday and Friday- Forest School Wed starting 24th April (1st half term only)Y1- Tuesday and ThursdayY2- Wednesday and TuesdayY3- Monday and Thursday Y4- Thursday and Forest School on Wednesday (1st half term only) – starting 24th AprilY5- Monday and Friday

Grounds Evening

We hope that some of you will be able to help out on our Grounds’ Evening on 22nd April. These have been well attended and we are always so grateful for your help and support. It makes a big difference to our school grounds and we have lots more plans with our OPAL projects. Any offer… Read More »Grounds Evening

Parking in Playing Fields Car Park

Please ensure that you park responsibly in the car park and within the painted lines so that as many of our families can park safely there as possible. Many thanks


Our Thursday morning club will be archery after Easter instead of Fencing.

Meal Ordering

Please remember to order meals in time for the new term.