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Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

This will be on Tuesday 23rd July at 9.15- all parents and carers of Year 6 children are welcome to come and watch.

Year 2 visit to Arundel Castle

Year 2 will be going to Arundel Castle on Wednesday 17th July- see separate letter for details.


We plan to send out reports (via MCAS) on Tuesday 16th July. If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the file, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. This will include end of year data for all statutory assessments: Year 6 SATs, Year 4 Times table check, Year 1 Phonics screening… Read More »Reports

PE/Forest School

PE days are as normal next week and Forest School will be on Wednesday for Year 3 and Year 1 for the next 2 weeks.

Free Cricket Camp

We have been sent the following information about a free cricket summer camp: We are running a FREE All Stars Cricket Camp during the Summer Holidays, at Selsey Cricket Club and would love to see some children from your school getting involved. Ages: 5-8 years Dates: Tue 30th & Wed 31st July 2024 Times: 9:30am-midday There… Read More »Free Cricket Camp

Arts’ Evening

Our annual evening celebrating the arts is on Friday 28th June from 5-7.30. There will be an opportunity to look at all of the art that the children have been doing over the year in all of the classes as well as a chance to see some of our talented dancers and relax with friends listening… Read More »Arts’ Evening

Sports’ Days

As with the last few years, we will be running 3 separate sports’ days to keep the events manageable for all the participants and spectators. 1st July- Year 3 and 4- 9.30am 1st July- Year 5 and 6- 1.30pm 2nd July- Year R, 1 and 2- 1.30pm Each event should last approximately 1 hour and a… Read More »Sports’ Days

Mundham Gala 6.7.24

We will be entering some of the children’s artwork in the annual Mundham Gala. Everyone is welcome to attend the gala and it is a wonderful community event for all families and friends to come along and enjoy. In addition to the school categories- there are other categories that the children can create at home and… Read More »Mundham Gala 6.7.24

Emma Milne music pupils

All parents of pupils who have Emma Milne for music are invited to an assembly at 2.30 to hear and watch the children perform.