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500 Words Challenge

Hunston Events Committee are organising a 500 words challenge for all 5-16 year olds who would like to write a story. This summer holiday is a great time to get writing. The competition is running from 25th August to 1st October and there are more details below.


Our PTA have been very active this year with lots of events culminating in the very successful ‘Colour Run’. Many thanks to them for all of their hard work this year. See the latest edition of their newsletter.

Reading Books

Please ensure that all school reading books are returned to school so that we can do an audit over the summer. We are still missing a number of the phonics scheme Read Write Inc books and would be very grateful if you could ensure that they are returned to school as soon as possible.

Exercise Books and Artwork

The children will be bringing their artwork and exercise books home to share with you. Each year we keep a small number of pupils’ work so that we have examples of what they have done. If we have kept your child’s work, they will get a letter instead of their books explaining this. If you would… Read More »Exercise Books and Artwork

Year 6 Leavers’ Party

On Tuesday after school year 6 will be having their Leavers’ party on the field next to the Village Hall. This is a private party organised by parents for the Year 6 children and not open to the whole school. Please ensure that your children do not go on the inflatables etc.

School Uniform

A number of parents have asked if their children can be excused from wearing correct uniform items for the last few weeks of term due to not wanting to replace too soon before September. We have allowed this but request that all parents ensure their child is in the correct uniform, including shoes, for September. Our… Read More »School Uniform


Expected attendance for all pupils is 96% and above. If it is below this, children will have missed a significant amount of school and learning time. Children who arrive late to school also miss out on the vital start to the school day, settling in period and learning. Please ensure that your child is in school… Read More »Attendance

Year 1 Visit to Drusilla’s

Reminder that Year 1 will be going on this visit on Tuesday 9th July. See previous letter for details.