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Guitar Lessons

We are just finalising the details of employing a new guitar teacher and will send out information in the next week or so.

Meet the Teacher Meetings

Next week there will be Meet the Teacher meetings for all classes as follows: Monday 2.45- year 1 Tuesday 2.45- YR Tuesday 3pm- Year 4 Wednesday 2.45- Year 3 Wednesday 3pm- Year 6 Thursday 2.45- Year 5 Thursday 3pm- Year 2 These meetings are an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher and find… Read More »Meet the Teacher Meetings


We welcome volunteers who can help with reading or other activities- please let your child’s teacher know if you are able to help. In addition, we really need a volunteer who could come and help organise our library. An hour or so each week would be amazing and make a big difference. NB All volunteers will… Read More »Volunteers


Thank-you to everyone for the big effort in providing your child with the correct school uniform. The children have looked very smart this week. Full details of our uniform including the policy can be found here. We now have an excellent online pre-worn uniform shop with many cheap items available. All uniform is online here… https://north-mundham-school-parent-… Read More »Uniform


Please ensure that your child is in school on time (by 9.00). Once the register is closed, a child is marked absent and this is unauthorised. Children miss vital learning if they are late and it can also be very unsettling. We expect children in school every day unless they are very unwell in which case… Read More »Attendance

Reflection Room

We have a therapeutic behaviour policy and promote positive reinforcement of behaviour wherever possible. However, occasionally a child does not follow our behaviour Golden Rules or makes a poor choice. If this behaviour has been continual (despite warnings), disruptive and/or aggressive in nature then the consequence is that they spend time in the Reflection Room at… Read More »Reflection Room

Dogs on Site

Please note that only service or guide dogs are allowed on our school site. These dogs must be on the lead. If you cannot avoid bringing your (non working) dog onto site, we ask that it is carried by the adult owner. This is for the protection of our school community.

Recycle to Read Toys

We are still collecting old good condition toys that we can convert to new books with the Recycle to Read Toys scheme. 

Summer Reading Challenge

We hope that the children will continue reading over the holidays and they have been introduced to some interesting ways to do that. There is the summer reading challenge at the library ‘Marvellous Makers’. Follow this link to find out more and register for the scheme . In the latest newsletter there is also a… Read More »Summer Reading Challenge