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School Photographs

These are on Wednesday 16th November. If you child has PE (years 2, 4, and 6) on that day, please send them in school uniform and with their PE kit for that day so that they can change. Children in years 1 and 3 should also come to school in their uniform and bring Forest School… Read More »School Photographs

Marvellous Machines in Year R

Reception’s new topic is Marvellous Machines. If anyone has any machines/robots we can explore as part of our topic please let Mrs Ford or the office know including walkie talkies, cameras, old phones, remote control toys, dictaphones, battery operated toys etc. Or any old screws, nuts and bolts we can use for loose part artwork we… Read More »Marvellous Machines in Year R

Year 1 Bonfire Night Forest School

Year 1 are having a bonfire forest school event on Monday 7th November. If anyone has a large battery operated torch that Miss Guppy could borrow, please bring it in to the office on Monday.

PTA Meeting

There is a PTA meeting on Monday 7th November at 7pm at school. All are welcome.

Adventure Playground

Please DO NOT allow your children to use the adventure playground before or after school. During this time it cannot be supervised by a school adult and we have had a number of near accidents during these times.

Remembrance Day

We will be holding an assembly on Friday which is Remembrance Day, focusing on this important national event. We have poppies, wristbands and key rings available for the children. If your child would like one, please send a donation of between 50p and £1. All profits go to the Royal British Legion.

Flu Vaccinations

These will take place on 28th November for the children. Please ensure that you have completed the electronic form by Friday 18th November to ensure that your child is able to have the vaccine.

Creepy Cakes & Bonfire Bakes

There will be a sale after school on Friday 4th November. See PTA Facebook page for more details.

Hunston Events

As part of our local community, we would like to encourage families to take part in the events happening in Hunston in the build up to the festive period. On Sunday 27th November there will be a Christmas market and on 16th December there is an advent trail that you can take part in.