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Eileen Savill Award

Beautiful Nature
Eileen Savill Award 2021
For All Young People under 25 years

This year we want everyone to celebrate the wildlife and landscape of the Manhood Peninsula, through a photograph or other artwork.

During lockdown restrictions, for many of us the natural world has benefitted our health, both physically and mentally. Whether it be enjoying time in the garden, a run, walk or cycle or simply looking out the window, the natural world has lifted our spirits.

We want you to capture a fragment of nature that you find beautiful, in whatever way – something that you have an emotional connection to because it makes you smile, comforts you, clears your head, interests you, amazes you or intrigues you. However it makes you feel.

You can do this by capturing it in a photo or any other piece of artwork, using any methods – painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, printing, etc.

We would also like all entrants to explain why they chose their fragment of beautiful nature.

If you have produced a piece of artwork other than a photo, we only require a photograph of it at first. We will contact you if we want to see it first-hand.

When judging, age will be taken into consideration and prizes may well be awarded in separate age categories.

We very much hope to hold an exhibition of all entries later in the year.

Submit your entries to  Remember to include your name, age and why you chose your fragment of beautiful nature and to attach your photo (or a photo of your artwork) to the email. Parents/Guardians/Teachers can of course help submit entries from younger children.

Deadline for entries is 31st August 2021