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Cake Sales

We have our first cake sale on Thursday 24th October. This year we are asking houses to provide cakes for the cake sales (there will be 4 baking opportunities through the year). The year 6 house captains will be helping the PTA to motivate their houses to provide cakes, and we will have a competition to… Read More »Cake Sales

Easy Fundraising

Please use this link you to our easyfundraising page. A huge amount of websites are signed up to this and it is a way of the school benefiting every time you shop. This month they will donate £2 to the school for everyone who signs up – you don’t even have to spend anything. However,… Read More »Easy Fundraising

200 Club

If you would like the opportunity of winning some money each month whilst also supporting the school, please join our 200 club. For the amazing price of £5 a month you could be in with a chance. The more people in the club, the more money you can win. If 200 balls are taken then there… Read More »200 Club

Into Film

We are always looking for ways of expanding the chilren’s opportunities and we have recently found out about the Into Film festival. It is a way of every child in the school getting a chance to go to the cinema for free. See dates on the calendar for your class details. we will contact you nearer… Read More »Into Film

Show Racism the Red Card

On the 24th October, we are supporting this fantastic charity again this year in their ongoing plight to tackle racism and raise awareness of the damage and hurt caused by racism and any form of discrimination. To support the cause, we ask children to wear red and bring a donation for the charity. Children can come… Read More »Show Racism the Red Card

PTA News

Many thanks to all those who attended the PTA AGM yesterday. We are hugely grateful for everything that the PTA have achieved over the last year,and it was lovely to see some new faces. We look forward to all of the exciting events that they have planned this year. If you need to know anything about… Read More »PTA News


We are always trying to improve our communication as a school and welcome feedback on this and any ideas of how we can continue to improve it. If you have any concerns about your child, please raise them in the first instance with your child’s teacher rather than with another parent or on groups such as… Read More »Communication


We are looking for some toys as part of an intervention that we are running with some of Ladybird class children. If you have any of the following, please let the school office know: wind up toys, funny glasses, sensory toys, spinning tops, flashing toys/balls, musical toys.

100 Club

If you fancy a chance to win some cash and support the school at the same time, you can be part of the school’s 100 club. Please ask at the school office for more details.


Next Thursday 10th October, all parents are welcome to come along and find out more about our fantastic PTA and what they do as well as you can help.