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School Uniform

We still have a number of children who are not wearing the correct uniform. Please note that black shoes should be work unless your child has PE and NOT trainers. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium Grant then you may claim for items of school uniform (up to £50). We also ask that children… Read More »School Uniform

School Council & House Captain Elections

Children in years 1-6 will be voting for their school council representatives next week. this is a really important role and voting experience. In Year 6 we will also have House Captains (two in each house) who will help organise house events and represent the school through the year.

Remote School

Our Remote school platform is up and running and teachers are putting homework on there and also use this platform to send messages. Please check this with your child or encourage your child to check it regularly. See separate email for password and username. Remote School

Outside Learning Week

The last week in September is our Outside Learning Week. At North Mundham, learning outside is an integral part of our curriculum and everyday learning. To recognise this we wanted to immerse the children in as many outside activities as possible, both as part of their regular learning and in addition to it. A timetable of… Read More »Outside Learning Week

Pencil Cases

As we stated last week, children should not be bringing in items to school unless they havespecifically been asked or given permission. However, as part of their transition, Year 6 may bring in a small pencil case. This will be their responsibility to look after.

Grounds Evenings

We will be holding three consecutive grounds evenings on the 27, 28 and 29 September. We had an amazing response last term and the hard work of some of our parents made a massive difference to our school grounds. If you have a bit of time to spare and are willing we would love your help… Read More »Grounds Evenings

Google Consent Forms

Please follow this link for the form. It should only take a few minutes to complete but it is essential that you do so so that we have the most up to date consent and contact details for you. If you are unable to access the form and would like a paper copy, please come to… Read More »Google Consent Forms

Bringing Items to School

We are still restricting additional items that are brought into school. Firstly, because we are still trying to limit contact with unnecessary additional potential Covid risks and secondly, because additional items can cause a distraction, get lost easily or cause arguments. Mr Murray and Mr Tran have spent time this week sorting all of our PE… Read More »Bringing Items to School

Summer Holiday Camp

Contact the Arena Sports Centre: 01243 870000 or email:

Eileen Savill Award

Beautiful Nature Eileen Savill Award 2021 For All Young People under 25 years This year we want everyone to celebrate the wildlife and landscape of the Manhood Peninsula, through a photograph or other artwork. During lockdown restrictions, for many of us the natural world has benefitted our health, both physically and mentally. Whether it be enjoying… Read More »Eileen Savill Award