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Year 6 London Visit

As part of their Learning Journey this half term, Class 6 are learning about Africa. On Thursday 14 October Mr Murray and Mrs Gill will be taking them to London so that they can visit the British Museum and see genuine artefacts and find out more about the country and related subjects. This is such an… Read More »Year 6 London Visit


Our PTA have organised this event previously and it has been very successful and we have raised a significant amount for the school. On Wednesday 13 October the van will be coming again so take the opportunity of inclement weather to have a wardrobe sort out. The children will be bringing home bags next week for… Read More »Bags2School

School Uniform

There are still a number of children not wearing correct uniform. Please ensure that your child arrives in school wearing the correct uniform. From next week, if they are not in uniform, we will send a letter home asking for a reason. If you are experiencing difficulty getting hold of uniform please contact us and let… Read More »School Uniform

Times Tables Rock Stars

All children in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have their own log in for Times Tables Rock Stars. They can use this at home to practise their times tables skills at their level. We will be asking our new House Captains to track the progress of their house members so that we find… Read More »Times Tables Rock Stars

Outside Learning Week

It is outside learning week!  The following activities will be taking place: Monday Class 6 Cycling on Centurion way Tuesday Class 2 visit to Royal Victoria Country Park in Southampton Class 5 Lake walk and art activities Class R Picnic in The Fuzzies (Forest School Area) Class 4 Outside Art Wednesday Class 1 – 6 Harvest… Read More »Outside Learning Week

Grounds Evenings

We are very grateful to those people who have offered to help Mr Murray and Mr Burroughs next week for our three Grounds evenings. If you still haven’t signed up, please let Mrs Cross or Mrs Tew know how you can help as soon as possible at We are extremely appreciative for all of the… Read More »Grounds Evenings


It’s a busy week next week as we also have our PTA AGM on Thursday 30th September at 7pm. This is an annual event and opportunity for you to find out about the PTA. There is no commitment to join the PTA but please come along and see how you can help. Our PTA have organised… Read More »PTA AGM

Google Form for Consent

Many thanks to all the parents who have completed the consent form. If you haven’t done this, please do so by next Friday 1st October. A paper copy will be available in the school office. Parental Consent Form

Covid-19 Contingency

As the term progresses and the weather turns, we are expecting an increase in the usual bugs as well as, potentially, Covid. Whilst we hope that this is not the case, we do need to have a plan for when we do. A contingency plan for this will be published on our website. However, if your… Read More »Covid-19 Contingency