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School Photos

These will still go ahead on Thursday 21st but we will only be able to accommodate individual photos as we did last year. This is because of the Covid restrictions currently in place. If it is a PE day for your child then they should come to school in school uniform and bring their PE kit… Read More »School Photos

Hot Chocolate Sale/PTA Events

This has been postponed as we do not want to encourage mixing of bubbles just before half term. Instead there will be a ‘Smartie’ fundraiser to take part in over half term. On Thursday every child will bring home a tube of Smarties which they can eat or share. Once the tube is empty, they should… Read More »Hot Chocolate Sale/PTA Events

Coats & Shoes/Wellies

Now the weather is changing, please ensure that your child has a coat in school everyday. This will enable them to go outside and play comfortably without getting wet and cold. Children in Y5 and 6 should bring alternative footwear for lunchtimes as they play on the North Mundham Playing Fields every day. These could be… Read More »Coats & Shoes/Wellies

Additional School Closure Day

In recognition that the additional 2022 Bank Holiday to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee next year is in half term, the West Sussex local authority has decided that schools will break up a day early for the summer holidays. Therefore, the summer holiday will now start on Friday 22 July 2022.

Student Teachers

We have two new student teachers in Class 5. They will assist Mr Tran in delivering lessons and support the children in that class. As a school we support the development of new teachers and find that it can benefit the school in many ways. If you have any questions about this, please contact the school… Read More »Student Teachers

Covid Cases

We have had a number of positive Covid cases over the last week. We are monitoring this to see if it rises substantially and we need to take action. However, for the time being (following government and NHS guidance) there is no need to take any action and we expect all other children to be in… Read More »Covid Cases

Flu Vaccinations

Children with consent for flu vaccinations received their vaccination on Wednesday. If your child did not have their flu vaccination in school, we recommend that you take them for one at your GP. It will be essential this winter that we reduce the risk of all infections as much as possible. Don’t forget to complete the… Read More »Flu Vaccinations

Learning Journeys

You should now have received a copy of your child’s Learning Journey for the half term, detailing the curriculum, learning experiences and focus areas. If you have any questions about this, please contact your child’s teacher via the school office at They are also available on Remote school and the website.


Please remember that it is very important that your child does not miss school unnecessarily. Normal coughs and colds and other bugs are back in circulation so we ask you to gauge whether your child needs time off and do ask us for advice on this if you are unsure. We do regular attendance checks to… Read More »Attendance

Cobnor Meeting

There will be a meeting on Wednesday 20 October at 3.30pm for Year 6 parents and children about our residential trip to Cobnor Activity Centre. Please come along to find out more about this exciting opportunity.