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Peter Pan

Years 3 and 4 are preparing a production of Peter Pan for the end of term. Performances will be on the 5th and 6th of April. Tickets will be available after half term. The film night that has been postponed from today will now be on Thursday 3rd March from 4.30-6.30.

World Book Day

Finding ways of promoting reading for pleasure is very important for us at North Mundham. We are planning events that support this for all members of our school community. This starts with World Book day on Thursday 3rd March and our Book linked workshops on Thursday 10th March. On World Book Day, children should come to… Read More »World Book Day

Science Week 14-18 March

As part of our Science week, we would really like to promote careers that involve science. We would like to invite any parents, carers or other family and friends to come in and speak about their careers. Examples are anything linked to medicine, animals, computing, engineering, farming etc. If you would like to be part of… Read More »Science Week 14-18 March

Mothering Sunday Sale

Items will be for sale during the day on Friday 25th March. Pupils can bring £2 to buy something for their mother or someone special in their lives.

Easter Egg Hunt

We will be holding an Easter Egg hunt on Friday 8th April for all pupils. All children will bring an Easter Egg home that day.

Parent Helpers

Many thanks to those of you who have responded to my message last week and Mr Murray’s letter. If you are still interested in coming into school to help, please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Library Competition

For this month (culminating on World Book Day on 3rd March) children have been asked to draw, collage, sketch or paint their favourite book character. Entries should be handed in to the blue tray in the library.

Toys & Items from Home

Please do NOT allow your child to bring in items from home. Small toys etc easily get lost and it generally causes upset. In some classes, teachers organise special show and tell sessions which you will be notified about.

Smarties Challenge

The great success of the Smarties Challenge in October means that we are repeating it this February half term. Children will bring home a tube of Smarties which they can eat or share. Then they are asked to do some chores in return for a small fee which they fill their tube with. Tesco have very… Read More »Smarties Challenge

Parent Helpers

We would really like to welcome back any parent/carer/grandparent volunteers who are able to give some of their time to help with activities such as reading, art, sewing, forest school or gardening. If you would be interested in this, please let Mrs Cross or Mrs Holden know. It is really helpful if you can give us… Read More »Parent Helpers