Please use the North Mundham Playing Fields car park and avoid parking in the local residential roads. This is much safer and less disruptive to our immediate neighbours.
Please use the North Mundham Playing Fields car park and avoid parking in the local residential roads. This is much safer and less disruptive to our immediate neighbours.
Promise Day is being postponed to Thursday 27th January and hope that we will have more children back in school by then who can use up their promises or buy new ones.
We have had a number of positive cases in Year R this week. We ask that you continue to test your children regularly and inform us immediately of any positive results. From next Tuesday you do not have to have a PCR test if you are not experiencing symptoms but anyone with any symptoms should still… Read More »Covid
To replace Mrs Cole who was covering the PPA (planning, preparation and assessment) time for Year R, Year 1 and Year 2, Miss Humphreys will now cover Year 2 on a Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Berger will cover Year 1 on a Thursday afternoon and Mrs Cruttenden will cover Year R on a Thursday afternoon.
Look out all of your unwanted clothes to bag up next week. The PTA have arranged another collection. We earn money for everything that we collect. The collection is on the 19th January. Bags will be distributed next week and can be brought into school from Monday 17th.
For all of the children who bought promises at the Christmas event, we will hold our Promise Day on 21st January. Children will be able to buy additional promises for this day – letter to follow this week.
Year R- Monday and Wednesday Year 1 – Thursday and Friday Year 2 – Monday and Thursday year 3 – Monday and Tuesday Year 4 – Tuesday and Friday (Forest School Wednesday) Year 5 – Monday (swimming) and Wednesday
This will be for Year 4 and Year 6 during the first half of the Spring term. Children should wear suitable clothes to school on Wednesdays. This must include a thick waterproof/resistant coat and waterproof or thick trousers as well as wellingtons or similar style boots. It will be muddy and cold in January so please… Read More »Forest School
Year 3 have PE on Mondays this term. All other classes PE days will stay the same. Children should come to school dressed in school PE kit. This term they may want to wear plain black tracksuit trousers or leggings if it is cold. They should wear their school jumpers with their PE t-shirts.
Our Facebook page is now up and running so please follow us to find out what we are up to in school. If you have any feedback about this, please let us know. Please follow this link.