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Year 5 Class Assembly

This will be on Thursday 19th May at 9.05am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend. Please enter via the outside hall door. Please note that this will be a whole school assembly with year 5 presenting their recent learning. other class assemblies will be coming up later in the term (see dates below).

Open Morning

There will be an opportunity to come and see the children learning on Wednesday 25th May. Parents and carers are welcome to come and see classes learning between 9.30 and 10.00 followed by a chance to have a coffee, chat to other parents and find out about recent initiatives at school. Please let Mrs Holden or… Read More »Open Morning

Sports’ Days

Following feedback from last year’s class Sports’ Days where parents enjoyed a more intimate event and pupils had an opportunity to take part in more activities, we have decided to hold 3 separate events this year as a compromise. Early Years and Key stage 1 will have their event on 21st June in the morning. Years… Read More »Sports’ Days

Cricket Taster

On Wednesday 18 May we have a cricket coach coming to deliver taster sessions to all children. If your child does not usually have PE on that day, please can they come in kit. Year 4 and R should still come in their Forest School clothes. 

Pyjamarama Day

This is on Friday 13th May. Children can wear their pyjamas to school and bring a favourite book to read. See attached letter for more information.

Book Fair

This will be in school from 17th – 24th May. Books will be available to buy/order after school from 3.20 until 4pm from Wed to Friday.


This is on Wednesdays after school- there are still places available. See the office for details.

Money in School

Please note that children should NOT be bringing money into school. If they have money to pay for school events, this should be handed to an adult as soon as they come into school. We cannot guarantee the security of any money or valuables that are brought into school.

Heron Care Club

It is now possible to book and pay for Heron Care Club using our school money app. Whilst it is possible to do this with little notice, we would be very grateful if you could try to book at least a week in advance. This is so that we can plan for staffing, food and resources… Read More »Heron Care Club