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Child Absence

If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office before 9am on each day of illness. Please inform us of the nature of the illness (e.g. high temperature, cough, vomiting, upset tummy etc). This will help us to track the nature of illnesses and allow us to identify and patterns of illness or… Read More »Child Absence

Post Box

There is now a post box  for children to post their Christmas cards in. You may request a class list (first names only) from reception if you would like one.

PE Day – 24 November

We are having a whole school PE training day on Thursday 24th November. Please could all children come to school in PE kit on that day.

Christmas Fair – 25 November

The Fair is this Friday, please come along with your friends and family to start your festive season this year. Details below in the PTA letter. Fingers crossed the weather will be fine., we are sure it will be a fun event.

ECO Council – Plastic Free Week

Our Eco council have been busy clearing leaves and helping out around the school. They met this week and came up with lots of good ideas to improve our school environment. One suggestion is that we have a plastic free lunchbox week. This will be the week of 16-20 January to give everyone time to think… Read More »ECO Council – Plastic Free Week

Parents’ Consultations

The parents’ consultations are in the week beginning 14th November and are as follows: Year 1 and 3 – Tues 15th and Thursday 17th November Years R, 2, 5, and 6- on Wed 16th and Thurs 17th November Year 4- Tues 15th and Wed 16th November Thank-you for your patience with the MCAS app. Most people… Read More »Parents’ Consultations

Celebrate your Culture Day

On Wednesday 23rd November we are having a whole school focus on our own cultural heritage. It is an opportunity for all of the adults and children in our school to share an aspect of their own cultural heritage. It would be great if you could help your child to prepare something to bring in, talk… Read More »Celebrate your Culture Day

Hunston Warm Space

Hunston parish council and other members of the local community are opening up a ‘Warm Space’ from next Monday 14th November. This will be at Hunston Community club and will give anyone in the local community a warm safe space to come to. It gives people the chance to meet up with others, have a cuppa… Read More »Hunston Warm Space

School Photographs

These are on Wednesday 16th November. If you child has PE (years 2, 4, and 6) on that day, please send them in school uniform and with their PE kit for that day so that they can change. Children in years 1 and 3 should also come to school in their uniform and bring Forest School… Read More »School Photographs

Marvellous Machines in Year R

Reception’s new topic is Marvellous Machines. If anyone has any machines/robots we can explore as part of our topic please let Mrs Ford or the office know including walkie talkies, cameras, old phones, remote control toys, dictaphones, battery operated toys etc. Or any old screws, nuts and bolts we can use for loose part artwork we… Read More »Marvellous Machines in Year R