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JC Sports Gymnastics Club and Half Term

The gymnastic club happens in school on Thursday mornings. See below for more details about this and the half term clubs that JC Sports offer.

Foodbank Collection

This term we have been asked to support the Chichester Foodbank by collecting new toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes for distribution to families in need. The Foodbank Collection basket can be found in the school reception and collection will take place early in March. You can drop off your donations at any time. Please do support this… Read More »Foodbank Collection

Half Term Holiday Club Funding

If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant you are eligible for free holiday club vouchers. If you do not know how to apply for this, please ask in the school office.

Timings of the school day

Please ensure that your child is in school on time in the morning- our school day starts at 8.45. Teachers plan learning from this time and if a child does not arrive until after that, they often miss vital learning and a very important part of the day. Whilst registers officially close at 9am (after which… Read More »Timings of the school day

Parking – disabled bays

Please ONLY use the disabled parking bays if you have a badge displayed in your car.

Parent WhatsApp Groups

As you will be aware these are groups that are set up by parents and run for parents, the school does not have an oversight of these groups. It has been brought to our attention that very occasionally; parents are not mindful of their conduct on these groups. Please ensure that you operate with respect to… Read More »Parent WhatsApp Groups

Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Grant. This is a sum of money that school receives to support these children to ensure that they can have equable opportunities to other children. If you haven’t already applied and you think you may be… Read More »Free School Meals

Staff News

Mrs Palin will be absent from school from Tuesday 21st January until Tuesday 4th February for a planned operation. In Y3 Mrs Mills (who is known well to the children) will be covering most of this time along with Mrs Finch who regularly teaches Butterfly class. Mrs Palin has planned the children’s work so the transition… Read More »Staff News

School Run Clubs

These are mostly starting next week and you should have received an email about them this afternoon. Please contact the office if you have any queries about this.