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In our celebrations this week…

Year R– have read the Gigantic Turnip and been having a lot of fun re-enacting the story both inside and out. They especially liked the bit when they all fell over. Some children even thought of new characters to add into the story. Year 1– have started their learning about London. They have made some brilliant… Read More »In our celebrations this week…

Staff News

Sadly Ruby Stothard, one of our Year R TAs, will be leaving us on the 9th March. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ruby for all her hard work and wish her well in the future. Her Forest School club will continue as planned.

House Reading Event

On Friday afternoon we enjoyed our second House reading event of the year. It was a great opportunity for the children to get together with their House team mates and share their favourite books.

Sportshall Athletics

Last Wednesday Mrs Cruttenden and I took a group of Year 5 and 6 children to Bishop Luffa for a fun packed morning of indoor athletics. Each child we took competed in 6 different events ranging from standing triple jump, long jump, vertical jump, obstacle race and relay races. We competed against 9 other primary schools… Read More »Sportshall Athletics


Our whole school attendance for this half of the year is- 94%. Expected attendance is 95% and above. Please ensure that any holidays are not booked in term time.

Poetry Slam

On 17th March we are going to hold a poetry slam. This is an opportunity for individual children, groups or classes to perform a poem. This can be one they have written or one that has already been written. Over half term you could help your child to think of a suitable poem. The idea is… Read More »Poetry Slam


We try very hard at school to educate the children about discrimination of all kinds and tocelebrate diversity within our community. We ask you, as parents and carers to support usin helping to eradicate discrimination of any kind be that race, gender, disability, religion or anything else. If we all work together on this, we are… Read More »Discrimination

Bags 2 School

Don’t forget on Thursday 9th February you can bring in bags of unwanted clothes, materials etc that will be recycled and reused. The school receives money for the weight of the items donated so the more the better. Drop bags off in school from Wednesday. Please let friends and family know that they are welcome to… Read More »Bags 2 School

PTA Events

There will be a Valentine’s disco on 10th February for children in Key Stage 2 organisedby the PTA. Arrangements will be similar to the Christmas disco and more details will followsoon. The PTA have also arranged a Quiz Night on Friday 24th February. A separate letter with details has been sent out.