We have another Bag2School booked in for Thursday 20th April (week after Easter holidays). Take some time over the holidays to have a clear out any unwanted clothes and fill up some bags that can be added to the collection.
We have another Bag2School booked in for Thursday 20th April (week after Easter holidays). Take some time over the holidays to have a clear out any unwanted clothes and fill up some bags that can be added to the collection.
Our PTA have lots of exciting plans for the summer term. if you are interested in helping out, come along to the next meeting on Thursday 27th April at 7pm.
The team will be in to deliver this annual day for Year 5 on Friday 24th March. It is delivered in a thoughtful and refreshing way and compliments our Jigsaw Lifeskills programme.
Have you ordered your meals – make sure you are up to date with your ordering.
The school will be open as usual on these two days. Please note there may be some changes to teaching staff on that day but all classes will be covered.
Friday is Comic Relief or Red Nose Day. Children can wear their own clothes on this day for a small donation to the charity. Red noses and accessories are welcome.
If you have any old tyres, plastic crates or shopping baskets please let Mrs Ford or the school office know. In addition, we are looking for 4 or 5 bikes that are suitable for pupils aged 6-9 and small (for indoor use) trampoline. We would be very grateful for any of these items.
Next Friday the PTA have organised a cake (and daffodils) sale after school. See below for more details. Please come along and support by treating yourselves to some delicious cakes and some daffs.