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Year 3 and 4 girls’ football

The postponed match that was planned for last week will now take place on Tuesday 11th February (weather permitting) at St Joseph’s school. Please see separate letter for all those involved.

Corporate Challenge

This annual local running event will be taking place on 3 Wednesdays next half term. There are races for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. Please see separate letter if your child is interested.

Glitter and Glow Silent Disco

This takes place next Thursday in the school hall as follows:YR, 1 and 2- in school timeYEAR 3 & 4 – 3:20pm – 4:20pmYEAR 5 & 6 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Culture Day

This year as part of our ‘Celebrate your Culture Day’ we thought it would be great to have a food festival. Families are invited to bring in food from their culture/country to share with the school community after school. In addition, children will be making food items based on a food or culture in their classes… Read More »Culture Day


Please note that the date for this has changed to 6th March. If you decide to have a clear out over half term as Spring is coming, please bag up any clothes, shoes etc and bring them in to school in the week beginning 3rd March. Bags will be provided next week.

Netball – Y5/6

See separate letter regarding a netball tournament next Wednesday which a team from year 5 and 6 will be attending.

INSET DAY reminder

The Monday after half term (24th February) will be an INSET day so school will be closed to children.

Jump Start Jonny

Jump Start Jonny is well known to the younger children for his active routines and fun exercise activities. He is touring the area this month and the PTA have kindly paid for him to come to school on 27th February. The children will get the opportunity on this day to take part in the sessions live… Read More »Jump Start Jonny

PTA Quiz Night

Look out for information from the PTA about this event that will be happening on 7thMarch at North Mundham Village Hall. Tickets will be available soon so get brushing up on your general knowledge!

Year 5 – 5 Ways to Wellbeing

We are lucky that we have been offered this event again this year. The team will come in on Wednesday to work with Year 5 children on developing strategies to support their well being.