This year there will be a full newsletter every fortnight and a bulletin on the week there is no newsletter. The bulletin will include important notices and dates.
This year there will be a full newsletter every fortnight and a bulletin on the week there is no newsletter. The bulletin will include important notices and dates.
On MCAS there is a section for parental consent. Please complete this as soon as possible so that we can ensure that we have up to date information regarding this.
These start on Monday. Times will vary each week so that the children do not miss the same time every week. You should be informed of this but the office has a copy if you have not received the information.
Please remember that the disabled bays are for people who have a blue badge displayed and the rest of the area is for turning only not for parking.
Please ensure that your child has wet weather clothing available every day either by leaving it at school or ensuring that it is brought in. This includes wellies or other suitable footwear.
Please note that any holidays that are 5 days or longer will automatically be referred for a Fixed Penalty Notice. This applies to holiday taken in the same 10 week period that amounts to 5 days or more.
To launch into the new term we are planning two reading events. Wed 6th September- whole school book swap. Bring in a book that you don’t want anymore and take home someone else’s pre-loved book. Friday 8th September- Read Hour as part of UN literacy day.
On Thursday 28 September, 1:30-2:30pm and Wednesday 18 October, 10:00-11:00am we would like to invite parents to come and visit the school. This is an opportunity to look around the school and see the children learning. All parents and carers are welcome to come. Please email if you would like to attend.
The cut off for hot meal orders is 24th August for the first week back. However, it is possible to order now for September, so this would be a good idea to avoid it getting forgotten during August!