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PE and Forest School information

After half term Forest School on Wed will be for years 2 and 5 (YR will continue with their session on Tuesday)- please ensure that the children are dressed appropriately for this. PE days, as follows: YR- Monday and Wed Y1- Monday and Wednesday Y2- Monday and Tuesday Y3- Tuesday and Thursday Y4- Monday and Thursday… Read More »PE and Forest School information

Greenpower Car

We have the opportunity to take possession of a greenpower car which is a kit car that children can redesign, tinker with and learn to drive before taking part in races later on in the year. However, we really need an adult (parent, grandparent etc) who might be willing to take this project on. It would… Read More »Greenpower Car

PTA Quiz Night – 7th March

You should have received a letter about our quiz night on Friday 7th March at North Mundham hall. Get you team together and get revising!!


Don’t forget the Bags2 school collection- fill your bag with any unwanted clothes etc for collection on 6th March.

Food Festival – 28th February

Following our very successful culture festival last year, we have decided to hold a similar event this year with the emphasis on food from different cultures. In class on that day, children will be finding out about different foods from around the world and even making some different foods to taste. At the end of the… Read More »Food Festival – 28th February

Year 6 Wheelie Fun Relay – Cycle-a-thon

In order to raise money for their Year 6 Leaver Hoodies, on the 7th of March, the children in Dragonfly class will be taking it in turns to cycle a static bike for the whole school day. Look out for the sponsor forms which will be circulated after the holidays.

Safer Internet Day

Next Tuesday 11th February is Safer Internet Day. This year the focus is scams- noticing and avoiding them. We will be looking at many different aspects of online safety but focusing on this. Online safety is a topic we return to regularly and we ask you to support us with this by talking to your children,… Read More »Safer Internet Day