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Colour Run

Our summer event is a colour run on 14th June. It sounds like a lot of fun and we look forward to seeing all of our families there.

Cake Sale

On Friday 17th May, we are holding a summer cake sale. Please send in some cakes that we can sell at the end of the day.

Book Fair

Our Book Fair is being held at school on 21st and 22nd June after school and 23rd June before school. We receive commission on books sold that we can spend supplementing our library.

New Year R Parents Meeting

We have a meeting for all parents of new YR (September 2024) pupils. Even if you already have pupils in the school, it would be great if you come along to find out how we plan to support the children who are starting this year. The meeting is on 9th May at 6pm. If you know… Read More »New Year R Parents Meeting

Wizard of OZ

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all of the children in years 3 and 4 who took part in the Wizard of Oz productions. We were so proud of them all. They worked incredibly hard to learn the songs and lines and performed with skill, finesse and flair. Amazing! A big thanks must also go to Mrs Palin and… Read More »Wizard of OZ

PSHE/Lifeskills topics this term

Our PSHE topics for this term are relationships (this half term) and Changing Me (after half term). This includes the statutory sex education lessons (in Key stage 2). Teachers will be explaining more about these in the parent meetings.


Bags can be dropped off in the reception area from Monday 1st May. The more bags we have the more we earn!

SATs Breakfast (week of 13th May)

SATs week is approaching for our Year 6 children. To ensure that everyone starts the day well, feeling reassured and in a positive frame of mind, we would like to invite the children in to school from 8.15 to have a breakfast of cereal, toast, yoghurt, fruit and toast. We ask for contribution towards costs. More… Read More »SATs Breakfast (week of 13th May)

Chichester Week

The week of 20th May is our Chichester Week. To complement our curriculum, we have planned some activities to explore and get to know more about our city- Chichester. Activities will link with children’s learning for this term and will develop their understanding of where they live. Each class will communicate with parents in the next… Read More »Chichester Week

School Lane

We have had reports of near missed accident on school Lane recently. Please drive carefully on this road as there are often children and families crossing this road and cars turning into the road at speed could potentially cause a dangerous accident.