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Thursday 6th June D Day celebrations

Children can come into school in non-uniform on this day wearing an item (or items) that are red, white or blue in honour of the D Day celebrations. On this day they will also be bringing in items for the colour run raffle hampers.

Medicine Policy and First Aid

Please see the this link for our updated medicines policy. We cannot administer medicines that are not prescribed (other than paracetamol, ibroprufen and piriton if consent is given), so please do not send them in with your children. We are trialling a better way to communicate First Aid incidents. If your child has been treated for… Read More »Medicine Policy and First Aid


Thank-you so much to everyone who brought in bags for the collection. We raised £256, which is a good chunk of money to put towards resources, improvements for our school that your children will benefit from.

New Year R Parents

It was lovely to see so many of our parents for YR in September. We look forward to getting to know the children and welcoming them to our school. 

Book Fair

Our annual Book Fair will be in school from Tuesday 21st May to Thursday 23rd May. On Tuesday and Wednesday it will be open from 3.20-4.00 and on Thursday it will be open from 8.30-9.00. The children will have a chance to look around on Tuesday during the day. A QR code will be provided so… Read More »Book Fair

Cake Sale

On Friday after school there will be a cake sale (on the playground if weather is good or in the hall). Please provide cakes on Friday morning and come along to buy them in the afternoon. All proceeds will go to PTA funds.

Colour Run Waiver

In order for children to take part in the Colour Run on 14th June, we will need parents to agree to a waiver. Please see this link and complete the google form.

Chichester Week

The week of 20th May is our Chichester week. Most classes are having a visit to Chichester during this week and each class will have an additional letter about this. We are excited about making this part of our curriculum and linking our learning to our local surroundings and wonderful city.

Careers Day

Thank-you to those of you who have completed a form to say that you can help out at our careers day on 13th June. If you haven’t managed to do it please follow this link if you can help by coming in and talking to the children about your job. We want to inspire our pupils… Read More »Careers Day


Please bring in your donations for this Thursday 9th May.