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Outside Learning Week

It is outside learning week!  The following activities will be taking place:

  • Monday
    • Class 6 Cycling on Centurion way
  • Tuesday
    • Class 2 visit to Royal Victoria Country Park in Southampton
    • Class 5 Lake walk and art activities
    • Class R Picnic in The Fuzzies (Forest School Area)
    • Class 4 Outside Art
  • Wednesday
    • Class 1 – 6 Harvest assembly in St Stephen’s Church
    • Class 2 Forest School
    • Class R Forest School
    • Class 3 and 4 – Outside Maths
  • Thursday
    • Class 4, 5 and 6 – Archery (PE kit to be worn by all three classes)
    • Class 6 – Walk to lakes- art activities
    • Class 1 Teddy Bear picnic
    • Class 3 and R Outside Art
  • Friday
    • Class 1 and 6 – Joint walk to lake in partners


Please ensure that your child has a coat and wellies (or alternative) in school if the weather is wet on the days that their class have activities.

We hope that this week will give all of the children a chance to explore our environment and the local area more as well as experience opportunities to widen their learning experiences and engage with the outdoors. As we move into autumn this is an ideal time to observe the changes in our surroundings.

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