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Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Children in Years 2 to 6 have a username and password to login.


Letter-join is a cursive handwriting scheme for the whole school offering a combination of traditional and digital resources.
Select the links below for instructions on how to login to Letterjoin and the Letterjoin Home Users Guide.
The school have issued your child with a username and password. Please contact the office if you experience any problems. Click here for the Letterjoin Home Users Guide for Parents and Pupils.


J2e requires your child's USO username and password.  This is the same as their network username and password used at school, with the exception that .938 needs to be added to the end of their usual username.  For example: jbloggs.938
Once you have access this site many apps are available to you including BusyThings and J2Blast, which contains SpellBlast and ttBlast (for times tables).

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